Goju Kai Karate Edgewater is a family-friendly martial arts dojo that is part of the Brian Mackie’s Karate school of dojo’s. The Brian Mackie Karate brand has a long history having operated in Metropolitan Perth and wider Western Australia for over 50 years.
The early years (Craigie Dojo)
One of the original locations of the Northern Suburbs branches of Brian Mackie’s Goju-Kai was the old Craigie Senior High School. For over 10 years; Shihan Peter May ran the Craigie Dojo along with the Girawheen, Wanneroo and Merriwa Dojo’s. In 2009 the Craigie Dojo relocated to Mater Dei College in Edgewater due to the redevelopment of the Craigie Senior High School site.
Shihan Peter May
Re-establishing in Edgewater
The move to Mater Dei College in Edgewater saw a long-standing student of Shihan Peter May, Brian Davidson, take on the role of continuing the tradition of Goju Kai Karate in the area. Brian has been a student of the Goju Kai art for 37 years, an AKF accredited coach.
Over the years the club has been ably supported by Shihan Craig Soley 4 times World Karate Champion, tournament champion Sean Carey, as well as Sempai (One’s Senior) Sasha, Mitch, Jim, Lawrence and Kathy.
Shihan Craig Soley
Training today at Kallaroo
In July of 2021, the Edgewater Dojo relocated from Mater Dei College (who could no longer accommodate the Dojo with a full schedule), and as a result the Dojo relocated to Kallaroo.
The Kallaroo Dojo is currently mentored by 3 AKF accredited black belt coaches with a combined 80+ years experience, supported by a host of black-belt and brown belt instructors all committed to ensuring the standard in both the junior and senior classes are at an exceptional level.
The Kallaroo Dojo was, and still is, known for a fun approach yet disciplined approach to the learning process and Goju Kai Syllabus. The inclusive and community approach most importantly teaches all students respect, self-confidence, fitness and patience, therefore producing confident and quality students.
The dojo prides itself on ensuring all students comprehensive and intricately learn all areas of the Goju Kai Syllabus. This includes Kihon (Basics), Kihon-Ido (Basic Movement), Kata (patterns), Bunkai (applied patterns/techniques) and various forms of Kumite (sparring/fighting). As a result, Kallaroo Goju-Kai students become well rounded Karate-ka (students).